Blessings in Christ, 

While we have much to pray about and many to pray for, let us be mindful and grateful for all that we have. We thank God and trust Him for increased answer to our prayers, especially in this season of expectation (Advent). 

Tomorrow, 12/4, is the 2nd Sunday of Advent. We hope to see many at our variety of worship opportunities. Adult Sunday school at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. 

Please be mindful that we are planning our Harvest Dinner for next Saturday, 12/10 at 5pm. We are doing “potluck style” and will be creating a list of who is bringing what after our worship service tomorrow. 

For those involved in writing for the LIC Public Press, please submit graphics and articles by December 19th to be included in the December publication. 

We will have a December Monthly Calendar available in the foyer and on the website by tomorrow morning. 

Please do be telling loved ones and friends about our upcoming Christmas season happenings at The Blue Point Bible Church. See attached graphics 

Thurs., – Fri., Dec. 22nd – 23rd – “Under The Tree” Christmas Thrift Shopping Experience (7pm – 9:30pm)

Sat., Dec. 24th – Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service (7pm)

Sun., Dec. 25th – A Comfy, Cozy, Christmas Celebration – (10:30am – 12:15pm) 

Here are some resources that were produced for your education this week; 

This past Sunday’s sermon (a pt. 2 of 1 Cor. 6) –

Fall Back to Genesis on the Preterist Power Hour –

Temple Dedication & Decoration blog by Pastor Mike –

PPH Interview with JL Vaughn –

Isa. 58-59 resurrection studies –

Daniel Roger’s new book –

Dr. Don Preston’s new book –

I look forward to studying, fellowshipping, learning, and discerning the things of God with each of you tomorrow, this 2nd Sunday of Advent. 

By His grace & for His glory, 

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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