Blessings in Christ, 

I hope that each of you had a blessed week and for those we have been praying healing for, prayerfully healing is happening in your midst. I do hope that we will all, most, or many, be present this weekend, as we pack boxes for Operation Christmas Child and have a unique experience after our Worship Service. 

A few pertinent announcements; 

We have Saturday Morning Bible Study this Saturday, 11/19, at 9am. Join us as we look into the social and theological atmosphere of Irenaeus. 

On Sunday, 11/20, we will have our Packing Party at 9am, followed by a simply and sweet Worship Service around 10:30am or so. (Taking liberties to possibly start later because of our packing effort). 

Also, following our Worship Service, we will have the opportunity to witness the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Joe & Patty Waldvogel. All are welcome to join.

Here are a bunch of resources this week produced for your edification; 

We interviewed Dallas from the YouTube – Better Understanding The Bible – on the Preterist Power Hour this week. The interview and other resources can be found at the following link,

On Sunday, Rachanda and me had the opportunity to learn Kingdom Leadership w/ Bishop Jamie Englehart at the Sound of Heaven Church. You can read some of my notes at the following link,

You can also listen to our recent You’ve Got Mail podcast at the following link,

I produced two blogs this week; 

Apostle John’s exile and martyrdom and exile –

#ThrowbackThursday – Nov. 17th –

Here is a link to the November 2022 LIC Public Press –

Also, tomorrow, Friday afternoon, I will redo our Sunday Sermon on YouTube, as well as provide an updated 2022 OCC “Needs List”. Keep an eye out for the email update. 

I hope each of these resources and announcements bless you and make you identity with being blessed. I loom forward to our service, fellowship, and worship this weekend to come. 

By His continued grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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