Blessings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ,

We surely are praying for healing, comfort, and peace to manifest itself mightily among our congregants, as well as family and friends. We praise God for all that He has provided and trust him for answered prayer. Please continue to keep Deacon Brian & Sandy, Meredith, Kathy Dazzo, & Terri in the forefront of your prayers. Also, prayers for the Mahr’s as they visit with their daughter, post-surgery. Of course, today, we are mindful, grateful, and thankful for United States veterans. 

As it is, many are sick, therefore we have decided to cancel tonight’s, 11/11, XD Movement/Immersed Discipleship session, as well as tomorrow’s, 1/12, Saturday Morning Bible Study. Take time to rest, relax, read, and study, and join with us for Adult Sunday school at 9am on Sunday, 11/13, as well as our Worship Service at 10:30am. 

A few edifying bits and studies; 

At the following link you can find a re-do of this past Sunday’s sermon at The Blue Point Bible Church, a look at 1 Corinthians chapter 5,

On the Preterist Power Hour this week, we have continued to Fall Back To Genesis, however this week we also interviewed fellow Preterist, Stacy Turbeville. 

Fall Back to Genesis resource –

Stacy Turbeville interview & resources –

Preterist Voice Magazine, Nov. 2022 –

For a ‘flashback Friday’, I thought you might enjoy this 1800’s painted portrayal of The Blue Point Bible Church (our original building). See attached. 

Lastly, concerning our participation in Operation Christmas Child consider the following link; 

2022 BPBC “Needs List” –

Facebook event for Nov. 20th “Packing Party” –

Through many of our programs are canceled, each of you will be in my thoughts and prayers, looking forward to studying and worshipping together this coming Sunday morning. For those who need it, feel better! 

By the grace & for the glory of a glorious God, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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