Blessings in the name of our Lord, 

I hope that each of you had a blessed week and if need be are feeling the healing hand of God. I know there are a few among us who are praying, and we are praying for, regarding healing and comfort. 

Please remember we “fall back” with our clocks later tonight/ early tomorrow regarding Daylight Saving Time.. Our Adult Sunday School and Worship Services will continue as normal, 9am and 10:30am. 

A few resources to edify you that were produced this week; 

You can review this past Sunday’s, Reformation Sunday, Worship Service at the following link,

We have continued to have podcasts and provide resources as we “Fall Back To Genesis” on the Preterist Power Hour. Visit the following link for a host of information,

We continued our Resurrection Study into a part 19 this week, which you can review the session and the outline at the following link,

I wrote a blog for Reformation Day regarding theology, which you can read at the following link,

You can listen to this week’s podcast of You’ve Got Mail, with Pastor Mike and Rachanda, at the following link,

Also, the Long Island Christian (LIC) Public Press has officially gone online. You can review the soon to be updated website at the following link, and prayerfully you are pondering a submission for November 2022,

You will find the link for this year’s Operation Christmas Child “Needs List” (which will be continually updated). Please do not purchase anything without letting me know so we can remove it from the “Needs List” in the foyer and n the website. Here is the link –

Tomorrow, 11/6, is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. We will take note of that in our Worship Service, along with a celebration of The Lord’s Table. Also, there will be a posted November 2022 Monthly Calendar for your perusal, as well as on the church website. 

I am in prayer for many among us who might not be feeling well. May the Lord bless us and our assembly with wondrous work of healing and comfort. May His face shine upon us. 

I look forward to gathering with those of you who feel well and are excited to move into a new week celebrating the presence and purpose of God tomorrow. 

By His renewing mercies, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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