Blessings in Christ, 

It is my sincere hope that each of you had a blessed and fruitful week. We surely have a lot of prayers coupled with a lot of praises. Please keep each of those realities before your eyes and before the Lord. 

A couple of important announcements, as well as resources to provide. 

Tonight, 10/28, for our #FellowshipFriday, we encouraged everyone to go to the West Sayville Maritime Museum for the Boat Burning and Holiday Festival which begins at 5pm. The following website will give you all the information you need to know  $5 per person. Please text Pastor Mike to let him know you will be there (239 -603-5695),

Tomorrow, 10/29, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible at 9am. 

Sunday, 10/30, is Reformation Sunday. Details on Reformation Day and reformation in general will be highlighted during the Worship Service. Also, we will have our 5th Sunday Potluck (after the Worship Service) wherein you can enjoy a Reformation Day treat from South Africa. 

Also, this Sunday, 10/30, during our 5th Sunday Potluck, if you’d like to bring something, please consider a side salad, a vegetable, or pasta dish. See the exciting attachment. We will already have a variety of foods provided.

Here are some resources produced this week for your edification; 

Last week’s Worship service and sermon –

Study with Pastor Mike on the hope of Israel/ Resurrection of the dead –

Preterist Power Hour: 

I look forward to fellowshipping and gathering with each of you, as the Lord see’s fit. We surely have a lot going on. Also, thank you to those who stayed after last week for our Operation Christmas Child preparation meeting. A needs list will be provided this Sunday and online. 

By His continued blessing, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

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