Blessings in Christ, our Lord, 

I hope each of you had a fruitful week, are enjoying fall, and have lifted up ample praises and prayers to His glory. I know I surely can testify to seeing His sovereign and providential hand throughout my week. The a moment, if you haven’t already, to simply give God praise. 

A few announcements/opportunities to mention; 

Tomorrow, Sat., 10/15, we will NOT be having our Saturday Morning Bible Study. However, we are asking any and all who are interested in helping organise our Fall outreach opportunities (BBP Expo; The Attic Fall event; and Operation Christmas Child) to join us at the church from 10am – 2pm. Pastor Mike will be sharing some outlined thoughts and then we will get to preparation efforts. 

Sunday, 10/16, we will have Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and Breaking Bread & Gathering (our evening worship service) at 6pm. 

We encourage any and all to join us for these opportunities. 

Some resources for your edification; 

This past Sunday’s sermon –

‘Fall Back To Genesis’ on the Preterist Power Hour –

A blog on Genesis creation from Pastor Mike –

Links to the 2022 Victorious Eschatology Conference –

A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/ Resurrection of the Dead (Pt. 16) outline and Youtube link –

I look forward to fellowshipping, studying, and worshipping with you as the weekend continues. May He afford us ample opportunities to see and know Him in our midst. 

By His Strong & Mighty Will, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

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