Blessings in Christ, 

I hope that this week afforded each of you ample opportunity to fall into the the new season, embrace necessarily changes and challenges, and of course, find excitement regarding the season(s) to come. All things work for the good of those who love God. 

A few announcements; 

It’s been a great weekend of study and fellowship. Last night, 10/7, we had a great “Fellowship Friday” around the bonfire. See pictures attached. 

Tomorrow, 10/9, we have Adult Sunday school at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30, which will be followed by a pizza party (in the Fellowship Room) and corn hole challenge (thanks to those who participated in Summer Reading). We will also have our Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. 

Here are some resources produced and gathered for your edification this week; 

The following two links will update you you and give you resources regarding our Preterist Power Hour sessions from this week:

I produced a blog from a pastor’s conference I attended last week, which many might find edifying,

You can listen to this week’s of You’ve Got Mail with Pastor Mike and Rachanda at the following link,

Lastly, the outline of this week’s study with Pastor Mike on the resurrection of the dead will be uploaded to later tonight. 

I look forward to our fellowship, study, and worship together tomorrow and in the week to come. 

By and for His glory alone,

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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