Blessings in Christ, 

It is my sincere prayer that each of you had a blessed and fruitful week, and that you took advantage of the change of season, Rosh Hoshana, to stir alertness to the things of God, in your life. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share for your edification: 

We will have Adult Sunday school at 9am tomorrow, 10/2, along with our Worship Service starting at 10:30. We will be celebrating the Lord’s Table at the conclusion of the sermon (continuing our going through the #CrazyCorinthians Sermon Series). Also, we will have our 6pm Breaking Bread & Gathering Session. 

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hoshana, began earlier this week and I put together some resources for you to develop a Biblical and applicational view,

We had a #FellowshipFriday on the Preterist Power Hour this week and talked through some recent happenings and resources. Visit the following link to review the session and learn of the highlighted resources,

Our continued study on the ‘hope of Israel’/ ‘resurrection of the dead’ moved into Isaiah 27 this past Tuesday. At the following link you will find the YouTube link to review the study, along with a host of resources for you to further study through the text,

The ‘early bird edition’ of Preterist Voice Magazine (run through was produced this morning. You can still subscribe to the magazine by emailing, “subscribe me” to

Also, look forward to an interview article, and possibly a video, of me explaining and further detailing important points regarding my experience this past Sunday for “Visit Another Church Sunday”. I look forward to planning some time where each of us in the congregation might also share our thoughts and experiences. Rachanda and I put together our first podcast of You’ve Got Mail and it will be produced later today. See the attached graphic to gain excitement regarding our podcasting effort. 

Lastly, tomorrow, 10/2, there will be a copy of our October Monthly Calendar available on our website and in the foyer of the church so you can further engage all we have planned this month, this season, at The Blue Point Bible Church.

Since we had no public service this last Sunday (9/25/22), there are no recorded praises and prayers. However, we have continued to pray for healing in our congregation, travel mercies, we praise God for Deacon Ed’s daughter, Alicia, getting married just days ago, encouragement, comfort, and peace for each of us, especially as we move into the season of Fall. We mourn with those who mourn, we rejoice with those who rejoice, and we work in the things of the Lord, as His Church. We praise Him for his sovereignly, providence, and faithfulness to us. 

I look forward to our time together in study, fellowship, prayer, and worship tomorrow. Prayerfully, I’ll see you there! 

By His continued grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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