Hi my family and friends, 

Blessed Autumn, Happy Fall, Fall Forward, and whatever other phrase you might like to use to welcome the season. I do indeed encourage each of us to welcome the season. As Scripture says, “there is a season for everything” (see, Ecclesiastes 3:1). May God bless you with wisdom, growth, opportunity, and more this season. 

All of our book reviews are in. I thank each of you who participated in our Summer Reading. We will be having a pizza party (yes, pizza and games) in early October to honor those who participated and submitted book reviews. 

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 9/24 at 9am. We are continuing our study through church history, currently in the 2nd century. 

This Sunday, 9/25, we have decided to close the doors of our church building at The Blue Point Bible Church and visiting with another local church. A list was previously supplied, otherwise we encouraged a simple Google search, or visit a church you had heard of prior.  We, BPBC Leadership, think this “Visit Another Church Sunday” will prove to be beneficial for each of us and for us as a congregation.

Here is a short survey of thoughts you might consider as you gather with another congregation: 

How were you greeted by the church? 

What elements were highlighted in the worship service? 

  • What kind of music? 
  • Scripture readings, exhortations? 
  • The Lord’s Table? 
  • Baptism? 
  • Etc….

How would you describe the worship experience? 

What pertinent points & texts did you receive from the sermon? 

Was the Gospel detailed for you? 

Was eschatology mentioned? 

Did you make a friend, meet anyone new, etc? 

Other thoughts? 

*** After your time of gathering at whatever church you meet with, we encourage you to join a few of us at St. John’s Greek Festival happening on Montauk Highway in Blue Point (right across from the BP gas station). See attached graphic for more information. We will be celebrating Kaiden’s 5th birthday, which is actually the 24th. 

Here are a few resources for your edification; 

Sermon from last week- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voRDbtYI_zM

MGW blogs produced this week: 

Called To Conviction 

Isa. 24-26 

Power of Preterism Blogs: 

The Judgement of God & Preterism 

The Truth About The Last Days (Glenn Hill)

Today’s Discussions & Resources

We have study in the am, if you haven’t been following along, we’d love to fill your in. Otherwise, I look forward to either fellowshipping with you at the Greek Festival following your visit to another church this coming Sunday, or our fellowship together sometime next week, the latest of course being our 1st of the month Worship Service on Sunday, October 2nd at 10:30am. 

With praise for His continued work, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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