Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a fruitful week, especially as we moved into a new month with new opportunities. We continue to have much to praise God for, as well as to pray for within our congregation. 

A few announcements; 

Tonight, Fri., 9/2 at 7pm we will host an XD Night further talking through Immersed Discipleship as a means of find one’s calling and “self-help”. We will have coconut beverages (World Coconut Day) and Vietnamese food (Vietnam’s day of Independence). See attached graphic. 

Tomorrow, 9/ 3, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

Sunday, 9/4, we will gather for Adult Sunday School at 9am and Worship Service at 10:30am (including the Lord’s Table). 

During our Breaking Bread & Gathering on Sunday evening, we will review evangelism and outreach resources for our “Saturation” efforts. 

You can find our September Monthly Calendar at the following link,

This past Sunday’s Worship Service was not recorded, however, Pastor Mike Miano wrote a blog detailing some things discussed during the service. Read his blog at the following link,

You can review this week’s Preterist Power Hour sessions at the following link,

We have finished our Summer book reading and I am hoping that those of you who read at least 3 books over the last 3 months might write a summary and share them with with me. Either through email or printed out. We will have a Pizza party celebration later in the month to commend your reading. (As long as at least 5 people submit summaries!) 

I look forward to fellowshipping, studying, worshipping, and working for the Lord with each of you, as the Lord so provides. 

By His grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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