Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had ample opportunity to pray for others, as well as yourself, throughout the week. How gracious and beautiful is our God, that while He desires the “sacrifice of praise”, He does so because He loves to bless us. That being so, He is glorified through our prayers, needs, petitions, just as much as our praises. May we never hesitate to pray in all circumstances. 

Many of us, after this email all of us, have been praying for Deacon Brian to have healing and health after not feeling well and having to go to the emergency room. Praise be to God that he is home resting, exercising, and being cared for by sister Sandy. All praises to God. 

A few announcements for the weekend; 

Tomorrow, 8/20, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

Our Sunday Worship opportunities will be; 

9am – Adult Sunday School (continued study through Isaiah) 

10:30am – Worship Service 

***  Please consider staying after this week’s Worship Service for an Outreach Committee Meeting. 

6pm – Breaking Bread & Gathering/ Common Prayer 

To learn more about our weekly actives and review our Monthly Calendar visit the following link,

A few resources for your edification that were produced online this week; 

I look forward to fellowshipping and worshipping with each of you through the many opportunities we have at The Blue Point Bible Church this weekend. 

By His grace & glory, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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