Blessings in Christ, 

I pray that each of you had a fruitful week. Of course each of us had and have plenty to pray about, especially thinking of our Deacon Ed Silsbe who celebrates his birthday today. We praise God for his service to our congregation. Also, we praise God for Lisa Mahr who celebrates her birthday today and could use travel mercies. 

A few announcements and resources. 

Tonight, 8/12, at 7pm – we will have our Fellowship Friday and enjoy a review of the debate between Dr. Don Preston and Joel McDurmon that was done in 2012. We will seek, search, study, and prove together – all with some popcorn. See attached graphic. 

Saturday, 8/13, we will gather for Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am and continue our church history study – #AfterAD70. 

This Sunday, 8/14, we will have Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. We will NOT have our After Church Luncheon (we have ate together quite a bit lately, lol).

For other upcoming dates and details visit our Monthly Calendar at the following link,

This past Sunday, we did not record our Worship Service. However, a variety of ideas, articles, and resources were shared. Consider visiting the following links to learn and discern more: 

On Tisha B’av

On The Lord’s Table 

The Destruction of Jerusalem (film)

Here is the link to view and review this week’s Preterist Power Hour sessions,

Here is the link to review and the outline for this week’s study with Pastor Mike on the “Hope of Israel”/ “Resurrection of the Dead”,

Pastor Mike has continued to build upon and stand upon the shoulders of giants in the theological world. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, thanks to the constant recommendations by Elder Steve Hernandez, has continued to be one of those giants. In this most recent blog, Pastor Mike shares more thought, after his recent review, from Rabbi Sacks. Visit the blog at the following link,

Also, Pastor Mike recently reviewed the 2013 debate between Dr. Don Preston and Steve Gregg and promised a concise review and links to the debate itself. All of that and more at the following link,

I look forward to seeing some of you shortly for our Felllowship Friday – sorry so late, and/or the other opportunities you might find throughout the week to join with us in fellowship, study, and worship.

By His graces, continued, forever, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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