Blessings in Christ, 

I hope that each of you had a week full of simplicity, peace, and beauty – as those are what we praised God for and prayed for the increase of at the beginning of the year. For those in need of healing, I pray this week you saw the faithful hand of God. Thank you of course to those who had been praying for Rachanda and I to get over our Covid experience and symptoms. We are out-of-self-isolation and back to work. Praise God. 

A few announcements and a couple of resources; 

For those who might be interested, our open to all, “Preterist Pastors” Conference Call will be tonight, 7/29, at 8pm est. You can join us by Zoom or Call in. We will be using our usual Zoom meeting number and call in #. See and share attached graphic. 

Tomorrow, 7/30, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

Also, a few of us are planning a short day-hike through the San Souci County Park in Sayville around 3:30pm. We plan to start at the Church St. trailhead. Consider joining us! 

This Sunday,  7/31, we will have our Adult Sunday school at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, which will be followed by our 5th Sunday potluck. We will also have our Breaking Bread & Gathering Session at 6pm. 

A few resources that were produced for your edification this week are; 

Preterist Power Hour podcast updates: 

Book Review – Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Morality –

I look forward to a bit of review regarding Elder Steve Hernandez’s exhortation this past Sunday from each of us. We will provide a time for others to share their thoughts and studies this Sunday during our Worship Service. You can review last Sunday’s completely online Worship Service at the following link,

I look forward to fellowship, study, and worship to be had during the weekend and hope each of you might find ways to be involved. 

By His continued grace & mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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