Blessings to each of you, 

I truly hope that each of you had an enjoyable week, despite the heat and storms that have been happening across the Island. Rachanda and I, of course, thank each of you for your well-wishes and prayers as we went on our Honeymoon. We truly enjoyed ourselves, glory to God. 

Unfortunately, we have come up positive for COVID-19 following our return home. We are to quarantine for at least 5 days depending on the symptoms and fever-reducing. 

That being so, the BPBC Leadership has decided that hosting our Worship Service online is the best idea. 

Tomorrow, Sunday, 7/24, I will host our Worship Service live at 10:30am through Facebook Live, Zoom, and/or Call-in. The information to join us will be posted below. 

Our Worship Service will include announcements, Gift of Song (if available), Response Reading, Corporate Praise and Prayer, and the Sermon. Also, our worship time will be followed by an online time of fellowship. 

Consider joining us! 

Facebook Live

Zoom code – 698 689 7086

Zoom link

Call in # –  1 (646) 558 – 8656

We will appreciate your continued prayers, as we praise God for His faithfulness and healing hand. 

By His continued mercy and grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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