Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of of you had a fruitful week, a week off examining and proving what it is that you are hearing and seeing. If you are not sure of those things, perhaps
I’d encourage you to review last Sunday’s sermon. 

You can review the 6/26 BPBC Worship Service at the following link,

A few announcements before I share more edifying resources that were produced through our ministries. 

Tonight, 7/1, at 7pm eastern, The Power of Preterism Network will host it’s 2022 Semi-Annual Meeting on Zoom and through call in. Consider joining with us. The info is as follows; 

     Meeting ID – 698 689 7086 

                  Call in # – 1 (646) 558 – 8656

Tomorrow, 7/2, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

This Sunday, 7/3, we will have our Adult Sunday School at 9am, our Worship Service at 10:30am (and we have been meeting outside if the weather if favourable and appropriate). Also, we will have our Breaking Bread & Gathering session at 6pm on Sunday night. Join us, maybe bring a friend, and be ready to think through the things of God. 

A few resources to mention; 

First would be the website for the t-shirts and promotional material that has been produced by Preterist Voice. You can order all sorts of BPBC items at the following link,

Here is a blog to to Preterist Power Hour podcasts and a host of resources we mentioned this week –

You can review and watch our recent part 6 of going through the resurrection of the dead at the following link –

I look forward to fellowshipping, studying, and worshipping with each of you, as time affords and the Lord provides. 

By His continued grace and glory, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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