Blessings in Christ, 

I trust each of you had a blessed week, springing closer and closer toward summer, embracing the season and change of season, and knowing Jesus Christ as your comfort and strength (as was preached this past Sunday). 

I had been reading through a book by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (expect a book review soon enough) and the thought that stood out to me is as follows; 

“Love your neighbor. Love the stranger. Hear the cry of the otherwise unheard. Liberate the poor from their poverty. Care for the dignity of all. Let those who have more than they need share their blessings with those who have less. Feed the hungry, house the homeless, and heal the sick in body and mind. Fight injustice, whoever it is done by and whoever it is done against. And do these things because, being human, we are bound by a covenant of human solidarity, whatever our color or culture, class or creed”.

A few pertinent announcements; 

True to the quote above, tomorrow, Saturday, June 18th, we have our free giveaway as an pre-Father’s Day outreach. Join us from 12pm – 4pm for free bbq, s’mores, thrift clothing and gifts, and more at The Blue Point Bible Church. (Those willing to help set up and volunteer, we will be meeting at 9am). Please see and share the attached graphic. 

This Sunday, June 19th is Father’s Day. We will not have our Adult Sunday School, but will be gathering for Worship Service at 10:30am, and followed by a Father’s Day celebration BBQ and Potluck. Small gifts we will be available for fathers and the fatherly. 

Here are some resources produce this week: 

This past Sunday BPBC Worship Service –

Preterist Power Hour podcast: 

W/Larry Siegle –

Review of the 2019 Christ & the Kingdom Conference was encouraged. You can review the conference videos and notes at the following link,

I look forward to serving, fellowshipping, and worshipping with each of you, as the Lord calls and gathers, throughout this weekend. May we each be edified through all that He has provided and all that He continues to provide. 

By His everlasting mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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