Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had time for rest and to examine yourself, your work in the church, and other areas you glorify God in and through your life as I exported us regarding a “season of fire” – individually and corporately. May we continue to be people of Pentecost passion. 

Tonight, Friday, 6/10, we had a great session of XDID night as a Fellowship Friday gathered around the bonfire on the lawn of the church. We talked quite a bit of discipleship, used the fire as a metaphor for our Spirituality, and enjoyed fellowship and food. To God be the glory! 

Tomorrow, Saturday 6/11, we will not have our Saturday morning Bible study because a many of us are going to come together to help with Spring Cleaning around BPBC (inside and outside)). Please consider joining us at 9am to help out. We will have hotdogs on the grill at the conclusion of the time working. 

Of course we will be meeting this Sunday, 6/12 for Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and for Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. Also, for those with questions regarding next week’s event at the Patchogue Train Station – The Attic Summer, Spring, & Father’s Day Giveaway, please stay after the Worship Service. 

Here is the YouTube link to last week’s Worship Service at BPBC –

Season of fire and Pentecost (more resource mentioned below); 

Pastor Mike’s “Season of Fire” Sermon from 2018 –

Edward Howell’s blog on Pentecost –

Here are some resources produced for your edification this week; 

 Preterist Power Hour podcasts; 

Resurrection Study link and outline (pt. 5) –

This week I was really blessed by listening to “The Power of One More” episode of the John Maxwell podcast. If you need a bit of encouragement and some disciplines this podcast is a good start for this upcoming season of you life (in my estimation at least). You can listen at the following link,

Please keep in mind and mark your calendars regarding our upcoming Semi-Annual Meeting, which will be outside if the weather is appropriate, on Friday, June 24th at 7pm. 

The praises and prayers from this past Sunday, June 5th, 2022, we not physically recorded, however each of us have our specific prayers for personal needs, family needs, and congregation needs. We thank the Lord that He hears our prayers and answers them in accordance with His sovereignty and providence. We praise Him for answered prayer, especially in the areas of physical healing, good health and circumstances, abilities, and on behalf of our fiends and loved ones. We lift all things spoken and silent up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

I look forward to serving, fellowshipping, studying, and worshipping with each of you, as the Lord sees fit throughout the weekend. 

May His face continue to shine upon us. 

For His glory and by His grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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