Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a fruitful week, especially examining yourselves, and your rituals and protests. The beautiful weather is here and prayer is accompanied by a beautiful season in your Spiritual lives. A few of us men are just getting done with a 2 day men’s conference where the focus was enthusiasm, passion, and a warrior-mentality for the glory of God. Surely such a mentality is not for men alone though. 

A few announcements and resources for your edification; 

Tomorrow, Sunday, 6/5, we will have Adult Sunday school at 9:30am, Worship Service at 10:30am (we will be outside as long as the weather is appropriate), and we will have our 6pm  Breaking Bread & Gathering. Consider joining with us for all those opportunities to study, fellowship, and worship. Also, we will have our Worship Committee Meeting following the Worship Service. 

This morning’s Saturday Morning Bible Study was cancelled in light of a men’s conference a few of us attended. However, I sent out and put together some “homework” for our Saturday study group (as we will not be meeting for a few weeks). Be sure to visit the following link to gain resources for you to review prior to our next meeting together for study (which will be 3 Saturday’s from today),

The following link will you provide you with resources pertaining to and links for this week’s sessions of the Preterist Power Hour,

This past Tuesday we completed a part 4 of A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/Resurrection of the Dead. Visit the following link for the YouTube review as well the outline for the study,

If you’d like to listen to review last Sunday’s Worship Service you can do so at the following link,

Earlier in the week, as you can see below, Pastor Mike was in the Blue Point Memorial Day parade. We thank God for those lives lost and sacrificed for our freedoms. 

I look forward to gathering and worshipping with each of you tomorrow. 

To God be the glory, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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