Good afternoon,

Blessings to each of you, and of course an extra dose of prayer regarding the pervading of peace in our minds our society, especially as we see increased violence highlighted in the media. We must pray for and live our lives as emblems of peace. May God continue to go before us. 

Starting tonight and every other Friday (throughout the Summer) we are going to have “Fellowship Fridays” at 7:30pm at the church building. If the weather is appropriate we will have bonfires, however when the weather is as it is today (cold, wet, etc.) will will have board games, Bible trivia, and more inside the building. Join us tonight! 

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow at 9am. 

This Sunday, 5/29, the 5th Sunday of the month, we will NOT have our Adult Sunday school, however we will gather for Worship Service (outside if weather is appropriate) at 10:30am, and will have our 5th Sunday Potluck (in the Fellowship Room) after the Worship Service. 

We have rescheduled our Worship Committee Meeting for Sunday, June 5th (after Worship Service). Sunday, June 5th also happens to be “Pentecost Sunday”. 

Also, if men in our congregation would like to attend the Warrior’s Conference at Church Unleashed on Friday and Saturday, 6/3-4, please review the following link, and inform Pastor Mike by the latest this weekend that you plan to attend,

We will be having a “Spring Cleaning” of the properly and building on Saturday, 6/11. 

Some resources produced by by and for our congregation this week are: 

One the Preterist Power Hour, Pastor Mike and Edward Howell interviewed Pastor Steve Magua and offered review and resources. Consider reviewing the following 2 links: 

Pastor Mike took us into a part 3 of A Contextual Study of The Hope of Israel/Resurrection of the Dead. You can access the recorded studies and notes at the following link,

Lastly, you can review last week’s worship service at the following YouTube link,

I look forward to fellowshipping and gathering with some of you tonight, some of you tomorrow, and prayerfully by Sunday, I can say I have fellowshipped with all of you. We have quite a few opportunities this weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church. 

By His steadfast love, grace, and mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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