Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you are having a good evening. As may be obvious, we decided to postpone our bonfire schedule for tonight due to the rain. Hopefully next weekend we will have better weather. 

Tomorrow, 5/21, we will be meeting at 9am for Saturday Morning Bible Study. 

This Sunday, 5/22, we will have our Adult Sunday school at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. 

(God willing, if the weather is appropriate we will meet outside on the lawn for Worship Service at 10:30am.)

I ask that we postpone our Worship Committee meeting that was planned for this Sunday, to Sunday, June 5th. Please plan to stay after the service the Sunday if you serve on the Worship Committee and/or have ideas to contribute to our worship experience and opportunities here at BPBC. 

Some resources that you might find beneficial are; 

I look forward to gathering, fellowshipping, and worshipping with each of you as the Lord ordains. 

By His grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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