Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a blessed week and that motherhood was rightly noted and celebrated throughout the week. May we praise God for His motherly qualities of of course honor those who have served as mothers in our lives. 

A few announcements and resources for our update this week. 

Tonight, 5/13, at 9:30pm est.  – Tonight at 9:30pm est. we have a special podcast of the Preterist Power Hour. 

We will be interviewing Maurice Rogers aka Supa Charger (on Facebook) who is an author, marketer, and hosts The New Kosmos Video Cast on YouTube. 

Zoom in, Call in, or Tune in. 

Zoom ID – 698 689 7086 

Call in –  1 (646) 558 – 8656

Link –

Tomorrow’s, 5/14, Saturday Morning Bible Study is canceled.

Many from our church (among others) will be participating in the Great Brookhaven Cleanup. See attachment. If you are participating – we plan to meet at The Blue Point Bible Church and start ideas for local cleaning from there (depending on the amount of volunteers we have). Around 1:30pm we will have a BBQ at The Blue Point Bible Church to celebrate our efforts and fill our bellies. 

Quite a few edifying resource provided this week; 

You can find the links to review and the outline for The Contextual Study on the “Hope of Israel” which Pastor Miano is leading online at the following link,

You can find details, resources, and more regarding the Preterist Power Hour from this week at the following link,

Consider reviewing our online May 2022 Monthly Calendar (if you have not done so already),

Lastly, I have recently sent out an email to the men in our congregation and some others for their possible interest in attending a men’s conference in Commack with me in early June. If this applies, please review and consider. Also, I ask those in our BPBC Leadership Committee to review our most recent updates and respond with your thoughts as soon as you can. I am interested and excited for what our minds together can do for the further edification of the congregation and the glory of God. 

If not at the cleanup tomorrow, I look forward to studying, fellowshipping, and worshipping with each of you this coming Sunday, 5/15. 

Adult Sunday School at 9am. 

Fellowship at 10am. 

Worship Service at 10:30am. 

Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm.  

By His continued grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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