Blessings in Christ, 

I hope and trust that each of you had a blessed week and had opportunity to share with someone the reality of Christ’s presence with us – now rather than later. A glorious reality indeed. 

A few announcements and resources; 

Tomorrow,. 4/9, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

This Sunday, 4/10, is Palm Sunday. We will have our Adult Sunday school at 9am and then our Palm Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am (see attached graphic). 

Also attached, you will find graphics for our upcoming Messianic Passover on Good Friday and events at BPBC for Resurrection Sunday aka Easter (see attached). 

This past week we spent time reviewing the Rethinking The Resurrection Conference and the recent debate between Steve Baisden & Steven Whitsett, you can find resources pertaining to both of those topics below; 

Rethinking The Resurrection Conference –

Interview & resources regarding Resurrection debate between Steve Baisden & Steven Whitsett –

Also, Edward Howell & Pastor Mike both provided blogs to edify others; 

Edward’s blog –

Pastor Mike’s blog –

I look forward to providing some updated resources throughout the weekend, as well as being provided with opportunity to study with, fellowship with, and worship with each of you. 

By His mercy & grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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