Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a blessed week. I thank you for the traveling mercies that each of you prayed for me, as hopefully you all know, I am now safe in Tennessee and readying to teach on the resurrection tonight. 

You can tune in to the “Rethinking The Resurrection” Conference happening at the Holston PBU Church in Rogersville, TN, tonight, 3/26 and tomorrow 3/27 (see attached file for times and speakers). 

Watch the conference sessions at the following link,

A few quick announcements; 

Tomorrow, 3/27 – there will be no Saturday Morning Bible Study 

This Sunday, 3/28, I will not be in attendance , however, our BPBC Leadership will host Adult Sunday school at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, however there will NOT be a Breading Bread & Gathering session in the evening. 

Also, for the week to come: 

We will have Common Prayer at 10am on Monday, 3/29. Call in or Zoom in. 

There will not be no Preterist Power Hour this week (Mon. – Fri.), however, stay tuned for exciting announcements and podcasts to be planned. 

There will NOT be  Wednesday Night Praise, Prayer, and Bible Study on 3/30. 

There will be Saturday Morning Bible Study on 4/2 at 9am. 

While I will not be with you all this weekend, I surely pray for a blessed, enriching, and edifying Sunday at BPBC. 

I look forward to returning and being blessed with conversation and fellowship by the end of next week. 

By His continued mercy, 

Pastor Mike Miano 

By admin

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