Blessings in Christ, 

As most of you hopefully already noticed (as I don’t see anyone on the lawn), our bonfire was cancelled, namely due to expected low attendance and wet wood. We hope to build anticipation, attendance, and have dry wood later in April to host our first of the Spring bonfires. 

We will have our Saturday morning Bible study tomorrow, 3/19, at 9am. 

This Sunday, 3/20, we will have our Adult Sunday School at 9am (continuing to study through Isaiah), our Worship Service at 10:30aam, to be followed by an opportunity to join us for an after-church luncheon (location to be determined). Also, we will have our Breaking Bread & Gathering session at 6pm. 

  • Please consider signing and bringing you Letters of Intent to church service (copies will be available in the foyer for you to sign and submit at well). 

A few resources for your edification this week; 

Here is a list to our current sermon (and outlined thoughts), and other included sermons (and outlined thoughts, pertaining to the Thinking Through Thessalonians sermon series,

On the Preterist Power Hour, we studied through the Book of Esther in celebration of Purim this week. You can review those sessions at the following link,

Lastly, as a sort of “Flashback Friday” resource, I have put together a link of all our presentations from the 2016 Annual Conference we hosted this time six years ago. Here is the link for the resources,

We offered up a corporate prayer of blessings, peace, favor, joy, healing, and other necessary needs that our Sovereign and Providential God knows on behalf of all in our congregation, as well as our loved ones and those we keep in continued though and prayer. We lift these things up in the the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Though we canceled tonight, I look forward to opportunity to gather, fellowship, and study His Word with each of you as we move into the weekend – Saturday Bible Study or our host of Sunday activities. 

By His continued favor & mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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