Blessings in Christ, 

I hope that each of you have enjoyed the week all the while continued in prayer for some of the devastating things happening around the world, even in our own neighborhoods. May we persevere in our efforts and be fervent in prayer. 

A few quick announcements and a host of resources;

Tomorrow, 3/12, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

A few details about this coming Sunday, 3/13; 

  • Daylight Savings begins at 2am on Sunday morning. Be sure to “Spring Ahead”.
  • The BBP St. Patrick’s Day parade will be in effect this Sunday. It’s possible to get around the crown, however it might take some effort on your part.
  • We have begun our evening sessions of Breaking Bread & Gathering on Sundays at 6pm. We hope you might consider preparing a small dish and joining us with a prayerful heart for a time of praise and prayer. See attached graphic. 

See the following link for our “Monthly Calendar” and other happenings at The Blue Point Bible Church through the month of March,

We surely had a joyous time this past Sunday. Everything from our Worship Service to the joyful celebration after was just beautiful and praiseworthy. See attached pictures that were shared. 

You can watch the worship service at the following link,

Please see attached outline for the sermon as well, as we continue “Thinking Through Thessalonians”. 

Hopefully each of you are having an edifying Lenten season. We have put together 2 resources for you to be edified this season – one a humorous and encouraging way to learn about the saints of Christianity past, and other reading outline through the 5 Books of Moses. See both at the following link,

It has been a rather detailed week on the Preterist Power Hour; 

We talked through Gog & Magog, and the erroneous connections being made to the Russia-Ukraine conflict for a few days and provided a host of resources, all of which you can find at the following link,

On Thursday, Dr. Cindye Coates joined us to talk about her ministries, especially her recent launch of the Present Truth Matters podcast. Learn more at the following link,

And today, we had Dr. John Noe, of Prophecy Reformation Institute join with us to talk of his testimony and his new YouTube Series. Learn more and obtain resources at the following link,

I attended a few local community events this week which I will be mentioning and writing about. You can learn some of the details regarding the Great South Bay Coalition and some of my engagements with their efforts at the following link,

Last, but surely not least, brother Edward Howell has launched a blog entitled ‘Thinking Through Theology w/Edward Howell’ which you can read and review at the following link,

From time to time, Edward will share blogs detailing his summaries and outlines of the variety of studies he does and engages in. 

I look forward to seeing many of you throughout the weekend; 

By His continued mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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