Blessings in Christ, 

I hope that this update finds each of you enjoying the first week of March and having a blessed one at that. Of course, we continue with concern and prayer regarding the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, especially as many of our BPBC prayer warriors have lifted thoughts and petitions up in prayer. Praying for peace as we do efforts of peace has been our consistent and persistent way. 

A few announcements and resources; 

Tomorrow, 3/5, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. We will be continuing our study through Church History (specifically looking at the period of AD 110-160). 

This Sunday, 3/6, we will have Adult Sunday school at 9am, Worship Service (including The Lord’s Supper & Benevolent Offering) at 10:30am, and we will be relaunching our Gathering & Breaking Bread session in the evening at 6pm. Gathering & Breaking Bread is our time of food, fellowship, prayer, and the Word on Sunday nights. We encourage you to join us and if you choose, bring a small plate of food to share. 

Also, it has been requested that every bring a copy of the Letter of Intent regarding active Membership with you to church services on Sunday. We will also have copies available at the church building. 

A few resources for your edification produced this week; 

All throughout the week we focused on Preterism & The Church on the Preterist Power Hour. We welcomed on Daniel Rogers, Jonathan Buttry, and Pastor Mike to share specific details reading the topic. You can find links and outlines of those podcasts and other resources at the following link,

Unfortunately the audio for the worship service was horrible this past Sunday. In the sermon I provided an intro to our series, Thinking Through Thessalonians. I highlighted the point that the Apostles are contrasting unapproved men with an unapproved message (contrary to Christ) and those approved men with an approved message of God causing, choosing, and calling those who belong to Him to Himself. Cf. 1 Thessalonians 1:4 & Psalm 100:3. The outline for the sermon that was on the back of the bulletin is attached to this update. 

This past Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, began the season of Lent. You can participate with us in our going through Lent, namely through a fun effort of learning about “saints” from Church History or going through our reading through the 5 Books of Moses. Both of those efforts are detailed at the following link (on our church website),

You can view our March 2022 “Monthly Calendar” at the following link,

I look forward to studying, fellowshipping, worshipping, and praying with each of you as God so permits this weekend. 

By & for His glory, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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