Blessings all, 

Due to the severe weather and amounts of snow that has covered Long Island, we have decided to call tomorrow a “snow day for The Blue Point Bible Church”. We aim to provide a multitude of online opportunities for you to stay home and stay warm, all the while participating in Bible study, Worship Service, and Common Prayer – all online and a variety of ways to join us (details below). 

Join us at 9am eastern for a Bible study through Isaiah chapters 34 – 36. 

Join us at 10:30am for an online time of announcements, responsive reading, worship in song, and a Sunday Sermon. Tomorrow, Pastor Michael Miano will be sharing about his vision for our congregation in 2022 (#VisionSunday). 

Lastly, join us at 6pm eastern for a time of Common Prayer. 

How do you participate? 

You can simply watch through The Blue Point Bible Church’s Facebook page (whether you have Facebook or not), simply scroll through the following link at the times above to find our live sessions,

You can join through Zoom. Simply use the following Zoom ID – 698 689 7086 (no password required). 

You can call-in by using your cell phone – simply call 1 (646) 558 – 8656 and use the meeting ID (698 689 7086). 

We look forward to your participating and you joining with us to celebrate #AThinkingFaith this snow day. 

By His continued Mercy, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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