Blessings in Christ, 

Each of you will most likely be viewing this update Sunday morning or Sunday afternoon. I provided a brief update the other night to let you know about weekend happenings, however I’ll provide a bit more information and some resources in this update.

We talked and studied through the topic of the “exodus motif”, “second exodus” on the Preterist Power Hour this week. You can listen to the podcasts and review a host of resources at the following link,

Today, we concluded part 3 of our reviewing of Church History in our Saturday Morning Bible Study. You can review an outline regarding this week’s session at the following link,

Please be mindful that our BPBC Annual Meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 28th at 7pm. 

For our Sunday worship opportunities, we will have Adult Sunday school at 9am; 10:30am – Worship Service, and 6pm – Common Prayer. 

I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you as the Lord sees fit!

By His mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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