
I hope that each of you are having a blessed week. 

I am realising now that though it was on the calendar, I did not announce our game night tonight in the bulletin. Short notice, however, hopefully a few of you might be interested in joining us for a time of fun, food, and fellowship as we gather for game night tonight at 7pm. We will be playing “Bible Baffle” and will have snacks available. See attached graphic. 

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am tomorrow, Saturday, 1/15. 

(A blog was shared full of resources for the study as we endeavour to learn more about Church History after the year 70. Here is the link,

We concluded yet another week of weekday podcasts of the Preterist Power Hour. This week we covered a review of the Griffin – Miano dialogue that was had last Friday on Kingdom in Context. You can review the following link which has podcast links, information, study, and resources regarding our review,

We will be gathering this Sunday for study, fellowship, worship, and prayer. Join us at 9am for Adult Sunday school (going through Isaiah), 10am for fellowship, 10:30am for worship service, and 6pm for common prayer. A great way to begin what has been marked out across Long Island as #PeaceWeek2022. 

You can read through our corporate praises and prayers at the following link,

I look forward to seeing some of you tonight, throughout the weekend, and of course on Sunday for our worship opportunities. 

By His continued grace, mercy, & strength, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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