This morning we began our exploration of post-AD 70 Church History at The Blue Point Bible Church. We do this on the heels of studying through Ed Steven’s historical documentation of the first century in his book, The Final Decade Before The End. While we disagree with Ed’s approach to the fulfilment of the coming as pertaining to “a rapture”, we for the most part agree with his historical accounting and documentation up to that point. Below you will find the outline we are using as we move ahead in our studying of what happened in, with, and to the church post-AD 70. 

Historiography is the study of the various approaches to historical method, the actual writing of history, and, primarily, the various interpretations of historical events.
– Google search – “Historical writings Church History”
– My former study, “Theology through the Ages” (I went by every hundred years looking at historical details and historical writings) 

Ed Steven’s Post AD-70 Studies (attached below)

Study Resources:
– The Final Decade Before The End by Ed Stevens
– Ed Steven’s post-AD 70 studies (see above)
– The Early Christians In Their Own Words –
– The Road Back To Preterism –
– The History of Christianity by Justo Gonzalez
– Church History in Plain Language by Bruce Shelley

Create a Historical Outline
(below are some reputable links that help you find other provided outlines and resources pertaining to a course on Church History. We are utilising these resources to work up a study of our own.)

A Neat detail – Today’s date in Church History

As we move ahead in our study, we are focusing on historical happenings and writings pertaining to the Church (from Christians or non – Christians) during the period of AD 70 – 100.

Study well.

By admin

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