Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a positive and productive first week of 2022. I praise God that He continues to keep a hedge of protection around our congregation. While there might be some mild suffering and sickness amang us, be it Coronavirus or other ailments, God keeps us fairing pretty well. Praise Him indeed. Of course, we continue to pray for those who are suffering and experiencing sickness, pain, or discomfort in any way. 

I have quite a few announcements and resources to share. 

Tonight I will be a guest on Kingdom in Context at 8pm et. (See attached graphic) talking about the “Coming of the Lord”. The program is on YouTube and you can visit the following link to be able to watch the program live,

First, we will plan to have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 1/8 at 9am. However, please use wisdom and discernment pertaining to weather and travel, and decide for yourself if attending is appropriate. Also, we will keep an eye on the weather to determine whether or not we will be doing our bonfire tomorrow evening at 7pm. 

We do plan to meet for Adult Sunday School (9am), Worship Service (10:30am), After Church Luncheon, and Common Prayer (6pm) this coming Sunday, 1/9. 

This past week we began to do our Preterist Power Hour at 11am eastern, each week day. Our topic was the “mark of the beast” and we covered quite a bit of Scripture and commentary, had a few guests (Holger Neubauer and Johnny Ova among others), and provide many, many resources. Visit the following link to view each of the podcasts and to do find the resources mentioned,

I was able to published a 2021 Review which provides thoughts from and resources from 2021 for your edification. Access that at the following link,

A thank you post was made and shared concerning our recent “Under the Tree” and “Adopt a Family Efforts”,

Also, The Blue Point Bible Church was in this week’s edition of Suffolk News, and will be in next week’s edition of the Long Island Advance, regarding our recent ‘ringing of the bells’ for those who have suffered and lost loved ones to Coronavirus. You can read the article at the following link,,89608

Our ‘monthly calendar’ for January 2022 has been posted to the website to keep you informed of all that we are doing at and through The Blue Point Bible Church. Access the calendar at the following link,

I am sure this update provided quite a bit for you to look and think through. I look forward to seeing some, many, if not all of you, throughout the weekend. 

By His everlasting grace & mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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