Blessings in Christ, 

This is the last update you will receive from me this year, as tonight we celebrate the coming in of a new year, 2022! Glory to God. May He go before us and continue to receive glory in and through us! May each of you have an edifying and full of rejoicing evening, however, and with whomever, you so choose. May the Lord receive praise in all that you do and the light you shine around those you gather. If your alone, may you find time of examination, serenity, and peace as you find fellowship with Christ and through Christ with others. 

A few resources and announcements. 

You can watch this week’s Preterist Power Hour (12/30), on which we had Ward Fenley as a guest, at the following link (along with finding a host of other links pertaining to resources with Ward),

Also, as you will see with the attached graphic, we have decided to make the Preterist Power Hour a daily show (Monday through Friday at 11am) starting Monday, January 3rd, 2022. 

While we have canceled our studies until the new year, we will be gathering this coming Sunday, January 2nd; 

9am – Adult Sunday School, wherein we will continue our study through the prophetic text of Isaiah. 

10:30am – Worship Service (Sermon series will bring us into Galatians chapter 3) 

2pm – 6pm – Bonfire, S’mores, & More as we toast to the new year (see attached graphic). 

We had an enjoyable time of prayer, fellowship, and fun this past Sunday for our Post-Christmas Giving Game. I did not record our praises and prayers that were lifted up, however we continue to pray for the needs of our congregation, a continued prayer of simplicity, peace, and beauty, and pray for Elder Steve Hernandez and his household as Gladys has come up positive with Coronavirus. May she experience healing, comfort, and speedy recovery in the mighty name of Jesus. 

I look forward to seeing the many of as the Lord so calls to gather with us this coming Sunday. 

To God be the glory. Happy New Year. May He go before the each of us. 

By His mercy & grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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