Blessings in Christ,

Well it surely is gearing up to be a busy season at The Blue Point Bible Church as we move into our Christmas outreach, Christian worship services, and post Christmas opportunities to fellowship and invite others. Please look through the attached graphics to be reminded of a few things I have previously mentioned. 

Tomorrow, Saturday, December 18th we will be participating in our 2nd Annual “Under The Tree” Christmas Outreach. Rain or shine – however there is a plan in motion so we won’t be getting sick nor promoting getting sick by standing in the rain. We will gather from 8am -10am for preparation at The Blue Point Bible Church and then begin our outreach at the Patchogue Long Island Railroad from 11am – 4pm. Please see and share attached graphic. 

A few resources for your further edification; 

A “Flash Back Friday” would be a continued look at the resource I provided last week regarding our study through Calvinism back in 2014. Visit the following link,

We had to postpone our interview with Ward Fenley this week on the Preterist Power Hour, however, I compiled a list of resources from Ward Fenley regarding Christmas that I thought would be beneficial and encouraging for the season. You can find those resources at the following link,

Concerning our current sermon series, at the following link you will find the audio podcast I published along with an outline regarding the details mentioned in this past Sunday’s sermon,

Lastly, I finished reading through a book I found to be rather powerful titled, The Art & Science of Respect, which I decided to write a review on. You can read that review at the following link,

As I mentioned, there are a bunch of attached graphics for upcoming opportunities at BPBC. This Sunday, Dec. 19th, we will have Adult Sunday school at 9am (continuing in Isaiah chapters 30-33), our Worship Service at 10:30am (as we continuing ‘Getting Into Galatians’), and evening Common Prayer at 6pm. 

With hope, peace, joy, and love, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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