Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a blessed and productive week. Can you believe we have less than 30 days until 2022? Wow, this year went fast. Prayerfully, each of you have gratitude for what was a rather full year – full of tribulation (as our Lord told us it would be), full of blessing, and full of opportunity to grow through what we go through. Many of you may have already heard, however, I asked Rachanda to marry me during our Wednesday night Bible study. Praise God she said, “yes”. 🙂 

I have a few resources to share with you in this update and then will conclude with our weekly corporate praises and prayers. 

First, here is a link to pictures from our recent Operation Christmas Child “Packing Party”. We packed 101 boxes for children!,

We have a few upcoming events happening at BPBC that I want to remind you of:

– Harvest Dinner – Sat., Dec. 11th (going to put out a survey regarding timing and who would like to make what this week) 

– 2nd Annual “Under the Tree” Outreach 

Sat., Dec. 18th @ train station; Thurs. – Fri., Dec. 23rd & 24th @ the church & drop off (more info soon)

– Christmas Service(s) – Fri. Dec. 24th @ 7pm; Sun. Dec., 26th – Post-Christmas Gifting Game (more info soon)

– BPBC “Bible Baffle” Trivia Night – Wed., Dec. 29th @ 7pm

– BPBC New Year’s Bonfire – Sun., Jan 2nd – 6pm 

You can review the December 2021 “Monthly Calendar” at the following link (copies will be available this Sunday during our Worship Service),

I have been continually mentioning the updated resources regarding my recent baptism debabe with Steve Baisden. At the following link, you will find a variety of ways to watch or listen to the debate resources (a total of 5 sessions), also we did a radio program together, and a few resources regarding the debate have been put out by each of us, as well as some others. All of that and more at the following link,

We had Daniel Rogers (who spoke at our recent Bible conference) on the Preterist Power Hour last night, 12/2. You can find links to review the PPH podcast, as well as other resources pertaining to Daniel Rogers’ past, present, and future work at the following link,

I look forward to gathering and worshipping with you this Sunday. We will be talking through details about the Bible, it’s correlation and comparison to the “Word of God”, and getting ready to move into our study through the Book of Galatians as we continue our “Fullness of Time” Sermon Series (going through the New Testament). 

By His ever-continuing mercy and grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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