Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you are having a blessed week. I must say, I surely missed gathering with you all this past Sunday, however I am so grateful for the willingness and wisdom of Elder Steve Hernandez, and I knew the Word would go forth. I am appreciative of each of your prayers both for the effect of the debate as well as for travel mercies. Glad to say I am feeling fully acclimated to being home and embracing the season and work the Lord has for us in the next few days, weeks, and months. 

Speaking of “embracing the change of the season”, that was the theme of our recent XDID (XD Movement/ Immersed Discipleship) night this past Tuesday. We enjoyed some pumpkin soup and apple cider. While we wish you were there to enjoy that, you can glean some of the insights that were shared, namely pertaining to cultivating “holy habits” at the following link,

Edward Howell and I continued our Preterist Power Hour last night focusing on review of both previous podcasts as well as the goal of our program, offering up and requesting ideas for the enhancement of the show. You can find more review and the link to the YouTube video at the following link,

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 11/20 at 9am (as we come to a soon close of our study through, The Final Decade Before the End).

As most of you hopefully already know, and the attached graphic shows, this Sunday, 11/21, we are hosting our annual Operation Christmas Child “Packing Party”. We will meet at 10am to begin packing boxes and will conclude our work of service together with a short worship service. You can learn more about the event, including our “list of needs” at the following link (or by clicking on the “Operation Christmas Child” tab on our website),

Also, please consider marking your calendars and planning to join us for the following events:

Pre- Thanksgiving Thanks  in the BPBC Fellowship Room on Wed., 11/ 24 at 7pm.  

Post – Thanksgiving Hike in Harriman/ Bear Mountain State Park on Sat., 11/ 27 (meeting at BPBC at 8:15am)

Also, as some of you have requested, I will be making resources available regarding the baptism debate I participated in. 

I look forward to our study, fellowship, and work of service to be had this weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church. 

To God be the glory, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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