Blessings in Christ, 

I make it my earnest prayer that each of us has moments throughout the week wherein we see God moving mightily in our lives and in the lives of those we pray for. Some weeks come with joys and testimonies abounding, and other weeks, trial, grief, and challenge. As I read this week, “I may lack a thing which is good, but not which is good for me” (Obadiah Sedwick). May each of us find rest and peace in God’s providence no matter what the week may bring (Romans 8:28). May we strive for opportunity to encourage and edify one another through words, deeds, and prayers. 

A few announcements and resources to mention. 

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 10/23, at 9am. 

This Sunday, 10/24, we will have Adult Sunday School at 9am and Worship Service at 10:30am. We will also have an All-Membership & Attendee Meeting after our Worship Service (we will be offering some post-conference thoughts, talking about Covid regulations at BPBC, and activities/ plans as we move into Nov. – Dec. 2021). 

Other dates and details can be found on the 2021 October “Monthly Calendar” –

Please be on the lookout for updates/emails/blogs/podcasts regarding our annual conference review, as well as conclusive details regarding our previous Gospel of Mark sermons, and summary thoughts regarding baptism that I have been sharing in study sessions on Monday nights). 

As a few of us have talked about, we feel ourselves in a sort of change of season. I felt this podcast with Mark Batterson was rather edifying as I seek to always continue growing in effectiveness and fruitfulness. Listen the the podcast at the following link,

Also there are graphic attached to this update regarding my upcoming debate with Steve Baisden regarding Baptism (Oct. 29-30) and all that we will be doing that weekend to celebrate “Reformation Weekend” at BPBC, namely the debate, a baptism – focused worship service, and our 5th Sunday Potluck. 

  • If you are interested in being water baptized, please talk with me or the Elders. 

I am devoted to prayer regarding those among us not feeling well, physically or emotionally (again making specific mention of Deacon Brian and Dr. Chua). I do long for our fellowship and study time to be had this weekend. God willing many of you will be there. 

By God’s grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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