Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a full week, that is full of joy, peace (that only God can give), and maybe even some trials – all of which is for the glory of God. I, as I imagine many of you as well, am still decompressing from the emotional high (to borrow common vernacular) from our recent conference. I am excited to share that all of the conference videos have been uploaded, in great quality might I add, to The Power of Preterism Network’s YouTube page. 

Here are all 3 links for the conference videos: 

Edward Howell and I also shared a review of the conference on this past week’s Preterist Power Hour. You can review that podcast at the following link,

Daniel Rogers also shared a review of the conference on this week’s Two Guys & A Bible, which you can listen to that at the following link,

(As mentioned on this week’s Preterist Power Hour, I intend to type up some of my written notes from the conference, and will include notes from others as well).

We also happened to complete our Live Study Sessions through Wicked this past Tuesday. You can listen to our last session, regarding Living In the Fulfilled Eschaton (L.I.F.E.) at the following link (which by and large coincided with one of my presentations at our recent conference),

Here are a few upcoming activities/ministries we have going on for the rest of the week: 

Tomorrow, Saturday, 10/15 – we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

We will gather for Adult Sunday school at 9am this coming Sunday, as well as Worship Service at 10:30am. 

Our October 2021 “Monthly Calendar” has been uploaded to the website (and will be made available in your bulletins this Sunday). You can view October 2021 at The Blue Point Bible Church at the following link,

I look forward to review, study, fellowship, and worship to be had this weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church. 

To God be the glory, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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