Blessings in Christ,

I continue to pray that each of us will have ample opportunities to praise God for His renewing grace and mercy each day, even though we may be going through some trials and tribulations. I think of quite a few among our congregation that are either going through trials or helping family who themselves are going through trials. May God give each of us increased peace and joy. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share. 

We will have Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 9/18, at 9am. We will continue our study through The Final Decade Before The End. 

This Sunday, 9/19, is National Back To Church Sunday. Please see attached graphic as well as the following Facebook event link,

We will NOT have our Adult Sunday school this Sunday, 9/19. However, we hope for a full gathering as we talk through the theme for this year’s NBTCS which is “Hope is Here”. Consider inviting friends and family to service. All who visit will get a bag full of information of the church, material highlighting efforts of recovery for addiction, and a free raffle to win up to $200 (which will take place after our Oct. 3rd Worship Service). 

A few resources; 

Due to our livestream not working one week and us being outside the next, I was not able to record the sermons as I had wanted to, especially as we have entered into looking at the Gospel of Mark. Is I have decided that each week I will accompany the sermon I preach on Sunday with a redo/review the following week. You can listen to both of the recent sermons through the Gospel of Mark at the following link, 

Here is a link to this past’s Tuesdays Live Study Session through the book Wicked, coupled with some mentioned resources,

Here is a link to this week’s Preterist Power Hour, a great conversation with a guest about “Mystery Babylon”, coupled with some mentioned resources,

Also, I listed to a resource by Pete Enns regarding the context of the prophet Isaiah (which leans in on our Adult Sunday school study) and was blessed by Daniel Roger’s recent sermon entitled, “Emboyding Resurrection”. You can find both of those resources at the links below: 

Pete Enns podcast –

Daniel Roger’s sermon –

Lastly, as mentioned, I will be putting together a recording of the Baptism discussion we had at the church last week. I’ll send that in a different email. 

Remember – there will be no Adult Sunday school this Sunday, which is, National Back to Church Sunday. Tell a friend. Invite a family members. Hope is here! 

By His continued grace and mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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