Viewing of 9/11 Mysteries at The Blue Point Bible Church

The Blue Point Bible Church Leadership Committee would like to inform the general public of a few things regarding the recent “Viewing of 9/11 Mysteries” that was presented at the church building. 

First and foremost, the Leadership nor the congregation at The Blue Point Bible Church make no claims, no articles of agreement, no assurances, nor accuracy of any information presented in the 9/11 Mysteries film. As a congregation that agrees to “prove all things”, we simply review things to prove them right/wrong, and many things were marked out in discussion after the film as “conspiracy-driven”. 

As individuals and as a  congregation, we honor, appreciate, and pray for our local government, state government, and Federal government, as well as the police, the fire fighters, and all emergency personnel. It has come to our leadership’s deep dismay that any assertions would be made regarding our leadership and congregation ever desiring to be anything but God-fearing and patriotic. 

If you happen to see such assertions being made on social media, please regard them as false, ignore them, and/or kindly report them to the admin’s. 

By admin

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