Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a week full of praise and prayer, which is our sure anchor in the faith, despite our circumstances, blessed or problematic. My prayers are with each of you going through pressing times, and please be assured you are thought about and prayer for by many within our congregation. 

I have a few resources and announcements to share. 

First let me mention, tonight, Friday, 9/10, at 7pm we will have the public viewing of the film, ‘911 Mysteries’ at The Blue Point Bible Church. The film is about an hour and a half. We will have refreshments available. Please attached graphic. 

Tomorrow’s, 9/11, Saturday Morning Bible Study is canceled because a few of us are planning a hike to the Daters Mine in Harriman State Park. Please consider details below if you’d like to join with us for the hike. Whether on the hike or not, may each of us spend some time reflecting upon the freedoms we have in America as we take note of “Patriot’s Day” and praying for those who have been effected directly or indirectly due to the events of 9/11/2001. 

Here’s the plan; we’ll meet at the Church and sort out carpooling and take the 1 1/2 – 2 hour ride up to the park.  We will park in the Tuxedo Village Train Station parking lot and do a little road walk before we wander in the Park. In the Park, see the maps (attached), and we have about a 6 mile looped walk with about 800’ of elevation gain.  We will find a place to stop for lunch along our travels. 

You will check out “Dater Mine”, then climb to a view atop a cliff face named “Almost Perpendicular” (not as bad as it sounds), on a shoulder of Dater Mtn’.  We continue past Pond Mtn’ to several hundred feet of trail walking the Crevice known as “Elbow Brush”.  Soon we come to the former cliffside haunt of a Colonial Era Highwayman (he was from Long Island) “Claudius Smith Den”, catch the views from where he’d select targets. At the top maybe it’s lunch time.From there we continue north to the summit of Big Pine Hill with more viewpoints and “Tri-Trail Corner” (three trails intersect).  From there we pass the two “Black Ash Mines”.From there we round Pine Hill, heading for the Trailhead and back to the cars.

You will need:

A. Day Pack.  B. Well broken in hiking boots.  C. At least 32 oz. of water.  D. Camera / cell phone.  E. A lunch that will not go bad in the warmth of the day.  F. Some snacks / Trail Mix, high energy.  G. A few $’s, we may get a meal on the way out.  H. A walking stick is great.  I. Sun screen.

We will bring a few things for all to share, i.e.:  1. A basic 1st Aid Kit.  2. A basic Repair Kit.  3. T.P. / Trowel.  4. Maps for you to take on the trail.  5. Some cold drinks for refreshment when we get back to the cars.

Here are a few resources I participated in and share this week. 

I will be re-doing and posting our ‘Introduction to the Gospel of Mark’ that I preached this past Sunday. Consider viewing the following video that benefitted from regarding Mark’s Gospel and it’s connection to Homer’s Odyssey,

We continued with our Wicked Live Study sessions this past Tuesday, doing a part 3 on Chapter 7. You can the the video session and find other resources at the following link,

The following link will take you to this past week’s Preterist Power Hour, wherein Edward and I talked through how Preterism has empowered and enhanced our walk with Christ. View the video and other mentioned resources at the following link,

Also, the full review details have been shared regarding the recent 2021 Spirit & Life Lectureship. Watch the reviews done on the Preterist Power Hour (or read my notes from the lectures), at the following link,

Also, please keep an eye out (or an ear) for the email regarding the re-recording of the ‘Intro to Mark’ sermon I delivered this past Sunday. 

I look forward to out gathering this Sunday, 9/12,  for Adult Sunday school at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and Common Prayer at 6pm. Also, I will be providing an All Committee Update in the bulletin. 

By His persevering mercy & grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

P.S. – Prayerfully each of you are keeping up with your daily/weekly reading through the Gospel of Mark. By this Sunday, 9/12, we will have read Mark 1:1 – 5:20. 

By admin

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