Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that even though we missed out on fellowship together last weekend, that each of you are cleaving to life in Christ, trusting in the power of prayer, and seeking more study and fellowship with others. We surely have a beautiful end to a rather wet starting week. That Hurricane Henri sure didn’t hit us very hard here on Long Island, praise God. 

I have a few important announcements and resources to mention this week. 

We will have Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 8/28, at 9am. 

This Sunday to come, 8/29, we have a full schedule. In respect to International Overdose Awareness Day (which is Tuesday/ 8/31), we are asking all members and attendees to wear purple to Worship Service. Also, we will have a special time of sharing and exhortation regarding addiction and overdose.

Weather-determinant, our 10:30am Worship Service will either be indoors or outdoors. Also, following worship service, we will have our 5th Sunday Potluck. All are invited to join and of course we encourage (not demand) everyone bring something to share. Our potluck will also ether be inside or outside depending on the weather. 

As for resources; 

We had our weekly Live Study Session through Wicked (chapter 7, part 2 – “demons”) this week. You can visit the following blog to gain resources, as well as the link to that program,

There was no recording of the Preterist Power Hour. We look forward to continuing our program next week further reviewing the 2021 Spirit & Life Lectures which you can access and review yourself at then following link, 

I have recently begun talks about baptism with a preacher in the church of Christ. We are working toward a debate on the topic (whether salvation is dependant upon water baptism or not) that will be had in the next few months (after our Annual Conference in October). However, this week during study, I came across an interesting lecture regarding the pattern of baptism that I’d like to share with you for your listening pleasure. The following link will take you there,

We had a small group of corporate praises and prayer this past Sunday, 8/22, on Zoom. We lifted up continued prayers for Brian and Sandy, as well as Brian’s brother, Kevin, as they continue to have a lot on their plate and to to deal with. We trust God will give them peace, perseverance, and will bring healing to Kevin. We lifted up prayers for Olivia Schilling to have a blessed birthday, as well as for the Hernandez’ to enjoy their vacation. We praise God that Hurricane Henri did not seem to hit us as hard as many expected. We prayed for the situation in Afghanistan, as well as the continued Covid crisis all over the world. Prayers were also mentioned for those battling addiction or suffering from loved ones and overdose. We lift these things up, as well as the unspoken praises and prayers of our brethren, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

I look forward to studying, fellowshipping, and worshipping with each of you, as the Lord may provide each of us with the times and means to gather. 

By His continued & constant grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano  

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