Blessings in Christ, 

Prayerfully this week’s update finds each of you doing well and trusting in God for increase in wisdom and understanding. Neither of these are circumstantial, but rather depend upon His strengthening and increasing us in the faith (cf. Exodus 15:2; Isaiah 41:10; Nehemiah 8:10). Please be precautious, prepared, and in prayer regarding the expected storm to come here on Long Island. 

Due to the storm we are deciding to cancel our Saturday, 8/ 21, activities. Saturday Morning Bible Study in canceled and the Summer Bonfire will be rescheduled. 

As for Sunday, 8/22, we will wait upon the weather to make definite decisions regarding Sunday. We will plan to be indoors for Adult Sunday school at 9am and 10:30am Worship Service. Keep an eye out for any cancelation messages from me tomorrow night (in your email and on our website), otherwise assume that we are planning to meet for both aforementioned sessions. 

A few resources from this week (to keep you in the Word and studying as we experience the coming storm): 

We entered into Chapter 7 of Wicked,  Angels, Demons, & Evil Spirits, in our Tuesday night Live Study Session. You can watch the session and gain important details and resources mentioned on the session as the following link,

On the Preterist Power Hour, Edward Howell and I talked through some details regarding the recent Spirit & Life Lectures. You can review our video podcast and gain access to other mentioned resources at the following link,

Don’t forget to make your plans to join us for the 7th Annual BPBC Bible Conference – Not One Stone Left: Restored & Complete – this October 8th -10th, 2021. The following link has travel and lodging info (share with friends and family), as well as a tentative schedule for the conference (also see attached graphic),

Keep an eye out for a summary of the Gospel of Matthew that I will be recording at some point tomorrow and emailing to each of you. My goal is to summarise the last 2 months of sermons I preached bringing us through the Gospel of Matthew on our New Testament sermon series, Fullness of Time. 

Also, we are still planning to meet for our XD Movement/ Immersed Discipleship Night on Monday, 8/23 at 7pm. Please see attached graphic for more details. 

Instead of listing our praises and prayers this week, I urge each of us to be in prayers for Long Island regarding the looming storm, regarding the chaos and harm to humanity that is happening in Afghanistan (as well as many other places in the world), for strength, prosperity, and wisdom in the United States, and to include in your thoughts many of the praises and prayers that have been continually mentioned in our assembly. Consider visiting the following link (which is the Praise & Prayer tab on our website) to review some of our previous corporates praises and prayers,

I love each of you, my prayers are with you, and may God continue to provide the increase in ways only He knows how. 

By His mercy and ever-renewing grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano  

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