Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a blessed week and have kept the corporate prayers of our assembly in your thoughts. While we surely have a lot to be thankful for, there are some pertinent requests being made among our congregation – especially in areas of personal peace and healing for our loved ones. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share. 

Tomorrow, Sat., 8/7 – we will have our Men’s Breakfast at 7am at the California Diner. 

Also, tomorrow at 9am we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study (continuing our reading and studying through Ed Steven’s book, The Final Decade Before The End). 

This coming Sunday, 8/8 – we will have our Adult Sunday school at 9am and our Worship Service at 10:30am. Following our Worship Service we will decide on After Church Lunch (whether we will go to a restaurant or enjoy take out at the church). Consider joining us for all of this on Sunday! 

If you visit the following link, you can find our August 2021 Church Calendar,

This past week we have our Live Study Session through Wicked (marking our part 3 of studying through Chapter 6 of the book), visit the following link to gain access to not only the video from this week, but also other resources mentioned during the session,

Also, Edward Howell and I continued our discussion through Thessalonians (that we have been having for a few weeks now) on the Preterist Power Hour. You can visit the following link to watch the video and obtain access to other resources mentioned,

I am excited that we have begun the planning for our upcoming 7th Annual Bible Conference at The Blue Point Bible Church. This year’s theme title is Not One Stone Left: Restored & Complete which will take place, October 8-10th, 2021. See attached graphic and soon to come tab on The Blue Point Bible Church’s website. 

I look forward to gathering, fellowshipping, studying, and worshipping with each of you this weekend as opportunity affords. 

By His continued grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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