Blessings in Christ, 

Prayerfully our Lord is keeping each of you focused on Him and feeling His presence in your lives. I continue to pray for His increase for each of us – whether it be for peace, comfort, wisdom, or trust. Just this morning I read the following thoughts from pastor Tim Keller, “Nothing is more important than to learn how to maintain a life of purpose in the midst of painful adversity.”. 

I have a few announcements along with resources to share, which will be followed by our weekly corporate praises and prayers. 

There will be no Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 7/31. 

This coming Sunday, 8/1, is Parousia Sunday aka New Jerusalem Day (see the attached graphic). The Preterist community has set aside this day for us to celebrate the presence of God and the consumption and “coming down” of the New Jerusalem. You can learn more about New Jerusalem day by either joining with us this coming Sunday, and/or visiting the following website,

(We will also celebrate the fulfilled Lord’s Table at our BPBC Worship Service). 

We had a blessed time serving and giving through The Attic’s Summer Pop-Up Shop. Thank you to each of you who participated and helped. I am attaching some pictures from the event. 

Here is a link to this week’s session of Wicked, as well as a host of resources that were mentioned on the session,

The following link will provide you with each of this year’s lectures at PPW, as well as notes and resources that I had marked out,

Here is a link to this week’s Preterist Power Hour, along with link to resources that were mentioned,

I look forward to gathering with each of you this coming Sunday, especially as we celebrate the Parousia and the consummation of the New Jerusalem. Glory to God. 

Join us for Adult Sunday school at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and/or Common Prayer at 6pm. 

By His continued mercy & grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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