Blessings in Christ, 

This week has been a trying one for many of us. Many of us have family members and friends we are praying for, many are expecting answered prayers on behalf of ourselves, and so much more going on. I read a quote this morning that I had shared this day, last year, and it said, “It became clear to me that there was no darkness, only the possibility of losing sight of the light, which shines eternally”. May each of us, despite trials and tribulation, set our eyes without losing sight of the Light that has shone into our lives and the many praises we have. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share. Following that will be our weekly corporate praises and prayers. 

There will be no Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 7/24. We will be preparing for our outreach event (The Attic Free Summer Pop-Up Shop) which will be at the Patchogue LIRR from 12pm – 3:45pm. 

  • We have asked that those who can help in the morning show up at BPBC by 10am. 
  • Also, please see and share the attached promotional graphic.  

A few resources shared this week: 

You can watch and review this week’s live study session through chapter 5 of Wicked, as well as find other resources that were mentioned during the session (which will eventually become a running list of resources regarding Satan), by visiting the following link,

On this week’s, Preterist Power Hour we discussed the Thessalonians letters and led in on a discussion regarding how the 1st century Thessalonians were affected by the “wrath to come” and how that correlates to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Much of this is where we are at in our Saturday Morning Bible Study as we read through The Final Decade Before the End. At the following link, you will be able to watch and review this week’s podcast as well as find resources that were mentioned on the show,

Also, as a sort of “Flashback Friday”, I share with you the link to my interview on “Inspired Blessings” back in 2016,

Lastly, if you are following along with our New Testament reading this week we complete Matthew chapters 21-26. This will help you be more informed as we journey through the sermon series, “Fullness of Time”. 

I look forward to fellowshipping and serving with those of you who join us for the outreach event tomorrow (we will be meeting at the church at 10am). If you are unable to attend, I surely hope we will see you on Sunday for Adult Sunday school at 9am and Worship Service at 10:30am.

By His ever-renewing grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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