Blessing in His Holy Name, 

I trust that each of you had a good week, enjoying the season and redeeming the time. It is my earnest prayer that the Spirit lead each of us to see increase in our discipleship, outreach, and evangelism. May we scavenge testimonies in this regard.  As I read from the Daily Bread this morning, “Father, today I bring You my needs and the needs of others, confident that You’ll hear and answer.”. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share.

First, I’d like to let you know and/or remind you that Preterist Pilgrim Weekend is completely virtual this year and is currently underway. You can visit the following link to gain access to the list of speakers and topics, as well as for your listening pleasure,

Tomorrow, 7/17, We will NOT have our Saturday Morning Bible Study.  Instead a few of us will be taking a hike to Harriman State Park. Please consider previous emails send and if you’d like to join with us for the hike, see attached map, and meet us at 8:15am in the BPBC parking lot. Call or email Pastor Mike to confirm and/or ask questions – (631) 363 – 6111 or 

At our previous BPBC Outreach Committee Meeting we desired a planning meeting prior to our upcoming Free Summer Pop-Up Shop at Patchogue LIRR (Sat., 7/24). A graphic to promote that event is attached to the email. We will meet at 7:30pm this coming Monday, 7/19. 

It is my hope that you either were edified or will be edified by the teaching resources I published this week. Below you will find links for the Wicked Live Study Session we had on Tuesday and the Preterist Power Hour, Edward Howell and I, co-hosted on Thursday. 

7/13 – Wicked Live Study Session (Review & Chapter 5) –

7/15 – Preterist Power Hour  –

Later today I will published a sermon review from this past Sunday on our sermon podcast page ( 

I hope each of you enjoy the weekend ahead and are already making your plan to join with us for study, fellowship, and/or worship this Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church. We will have Adult Sunday school at 9am, Fellowship at 10am, and Worship Service beginning at 10:3am. 

By His ever-increasing provision, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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