Blessings in Christ, our Lord, 

I trust that each of you had a fruitful week, finding ample time to gain increase regarding the things of God. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share for you awareness and edification.

Before I do that, I want to praise God for the Independence Day fellowship were had at The Blue Point Bible Church last Sunday, July 4th (see pictures attached). 

Tomorrow, 7/10, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

This coming Sunday, 7/11, we will have an Outreach Committee meeting after worship service. 

Here are some resources that I produced and shared this week. 

We had out Wicked session, studying through chapter 5 this week. Unfortunately, their video got chopped up a bit, so I am sharing both links with you (one being the beginning and the other the second portion of the show). We will be continuing with Chapter 5 on our weekly live study session this coming Tuesday night. 

(Also, on this past week’s study session on Wicked, I mentioned a message I delivered at the 2018 BPBC Bible Conference called “Conceptual Salvation”. You can view and review that video on YouTube at the following link,

Being that we just completed our almost 3 year journey thinking through the Old Testament, I created a review that connects thoughts shared regarding the Intertestamental Period and our launching into the New Testament. Visit the following link to hear that review (and visit the description box of the podcast for more study resources),

As we have moved into our new sermon series, The Fullness of Time, I have offered weekly reading. By Saturday, it is desired that each of us read through Matthew chapters 1-8. 

We did not have a Preterist Power Hour session this week, however the following link provides links to the two debates done by Max King in the 1970’s (which we will be reviewing on PPH next Thursday),

Lastly, this week the Preterist Pilgrim Weekend will be streamed virtually. You can visit the following link to learn of the speakers and topics (Dr. Don Preston is still updating the website and viewing opportunity),

I look forward to gathering this weekend for study (either Saturday Morning Bible Study or Adult Sunday School on Sundays at 9:30) and/or gathering, fellowshipping and worshipping together this coming Sunday at 10:30am. 

By His continued true grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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