Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a blessed week and are not only appreciating the beautiful change of season, but also using Spiritual discernment to take note of the seasons in your life. Thinking back to this past Sunday and some of the “Father’s Wisdom” that I shared, I hope each of us continually walk worthy of the Apostle Paul’s charge to, examine ourselves. During this summer season, I encourage each of us to ponder – what habits make us feel most passionate and encouraged about life? What habits make us feel discouraged and defeated? Part and parcel of our pursuit of God is thriving in His provision of eternal life. 

Tonight, 6/25, we have our BPBC Semi- Annual Meeting at 7pm. I hope to see as many members and attendees that we can. (Weather-permitting, we will gather on the lawn, otherwise we will be in the Fellowship Room. 

Tomorrow, 6/26, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

I look forward to concluding the Old Testament narrative this coming Sunday, 6/27 focusing specifically in on the 400 “years of silence” between the restoration from Babylon to the “fulness of time”, wherein the Messiah was brought into the world. We will have Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and our evening of Common Prayer at 6pm. Join us for one or all of this times to fellowship, study, and worship.

We have a new sermon series titled, Fullness of Time, beginning, Sunday, 7/4, as we will begin looking into the New Testament. See and share the attached graphic. 

Here is audio review of this past Sunday’s sermon, “Father’s Day Wisdom”,

Also, to continue my study through the “wisdom books” I have added this sermon by Pastor Brian McMillan (Centerpoint Church) regarding money and Ecclesiastes 6:1-10,

Starting next Wednesday, 7/ 7, we will begin “The Dust of the Rabbi” study at 7pm. I had previously issued a review video of Ray Vanderlaan’s, Church History, and have also typed up some notes. You can find both of those resources at the following link,

Each of you received an email regarding an upcoming opportunity to go hiking, Saturday, 7/3. Please let me know if you are considering going, it will be a blessing to fellowship, as well as experience the bounty of God’s beautiful creation. 

I look forward to seeing many of you later tonight for the Semi-Annual Meeting (7PM). Otherwise, the weekend affords us a few opportunities to pray, fellowship, study, and worship together. 

By His continued mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano  

By admin

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