Blessings in Christ,

It is my hope that this update finds each of you enjoying the week and looking forward to the weekend.

I have a few announcements, quite a few resources, and will follow that with our weekly corporate praises and prayers.

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow (6/5) at 9am.

Also, tomorrow is Hope Day and while our church isn’t involved, we could surely look into supporting, fellowshipping, and enjoying the events held at a few churches. The following link will provide locations that are hosting Hope Day events tomorrow,

This Sunday, 6/6, we will have Adult Sunday school at 9am and Worship Service at 10:30am (if the weather is appropriate we will have on the outside lawn).

Also, we will have an Outreach Committee meeting following our Worship Service. Please consider staying after so that you might learn more about what we endeavor to do and accomplish within the next few months.

Look forward to receiving an email and seeing the posting on our website of our June Monthly Calendar by the end of the weekend.

A few edifying resources I might share with you for this week are the following:

Earlier this morning I finished my written review of a few podcasts done by Gary DeMar and how Full Preterism truly brings for clarity and consistency. You can read that blog and find links to the podcasts I had listened to at the following link,

We started our study through Wicked this past Tuesday (and will continue on Tuesday nights at 8pm until we finish going through the book). You can review the live study session at the following link,

Lastly at the following link you can watch this week’s podcast of the Preterist Power Hour (consider visiting the video description box for a list of resources that were mentioned on the show),

May God continue to bless each of you throughout the weekend. I look forward to our marked out times of fellowship, study, and worship to be had this weekend. To God be the glory.

By His ever-renewing grace,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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