Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a joyful week, especially as we have been enjoying some beautiful weather here on Long Island. I read a quote earlier this week that reminds me of how beautiful the presence of God is, even despite our trials and tribulations. Chaim Raphael writes, ““Life is drained of meaning in a struggle to win…when God is brought down to earth, “it changes the taste of the sea”. Prayerfully, God’s presence in your life is “changing the taste of the sea”. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share.

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 5/29, at 9am. 

We will meet this coming Sunday, 5/30 at 9am for Adult Sunday school, 10:30 for Worship Service (which may be indoors considering the expectation of rain, otherwise we will be outdoors), and for Common Prayer at 6pm. 

  • Please take note of our new social distancing and mask guidelines at BPBC. Our Leadership Committee has decided that relying upon the honesty and responsibility of those who gather with us, those who have been vaccinated and have followed the CDC guidelines for their well-being, may remove their mask while gathering with us (indoors and outdoors). We ask for continued social-distancing and healthy hand washing/ hygiene to be maintained. 

Last Sunday, 5/23, we concluded our mini sermon series, Kingdom Kings. I shared a sermon review for your edification and the edification of our online community at the following link,

You can expect that this Sunday we will be looking at the historic book of Ezra and talking a bit about the value and beauty of memorializings things. 

I am excited that starting  this coming Tuesday, 6/1, we will begin an online study group going through my book, Wicked from 8pm – 9pm et. This will be done on Zoom and streamed through my personal YouTube, which you can access at the following link (also be sure to see the attached graphic regarding the Wicked online study sessions to find other details),

Earlier this week, I published a book review on a book called, Festival Days, which you can read on my personal blog site at the following link,

Here is a link to this past Thursday’s (5/28), Preterist Power Hour,

(If you look at the description box on YouTube for the Preterist Power Hour there are a host of other resources mentioned there that were mentioned on the podcast). 

Lastly, as was mentioned on last night’s show, we have officially announced our 7th Annual Conference at The Blue Point Bible Church to be October 8-10th, 2021 with the title and theme, “Not One Stone Left – Restored & Complete”, focusing on the redemptive details of , the restoration of all things at, and the Spiritual realities to follow, the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 (Matthew 24:2).

I look forward to studying, fellowshipping, and worshipping with each of you at some point this weekend as opportunity presents itself. 

By His ever-renewing mercy & grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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